Top 10 Apps For Children’s Reading. There are some iPhone, iPad and even eReader apps that are not only entertaining but also educational. Reading apps for children are a sure way of providing your kids with some reading help. Here is a look at the top 10 children’s reading iphone apps available.
1. Miss Spell’s Class
This is a unique word game that allows players to test their spelling abilities against the words that are most commonly misspelled on Players have to decide whether all the 20 words are correctly or incorrectly spelled, as accuracy and speed are essential to get to the class top.
2. WordUs2
This is an enjoyable word game that is partly word ladder and partly Mastermind. The game has you speculating a five letter word, but you can set the alternatives for words as little as three letters by going into Select Game Mode. This app has many options.
3. The Three Little Pigs
This is a spectacularly illustrated, delightfully narrated contemporary take on a traditional tale. Every scene is animated; you can touch the pigs as well as other app’s hotspots to hear them talk plus do other fun things. This children’s reading app is an instant favorite.
4. SuperWHY!-PBS Kids
This app follows along similar lines with the PBS Kids Show, which entertains and educates young children about words and reading. The app has 4 different games allowing it to have everything from choosing the best word to complete a sentence to tracing letters.
5. abc Pocket Phonics
This app is full of activities to help your kid develop early literacy as well as penmanship skills. abc Pocket Phonics focuses on letter phonics, which is both the sounds of single letters and sounds produced after combining certain letters, which makes it ideal for early readers.
6. LetterWriter Oceans
This is an elegant app that will train your kid how to write letters, before they even join school. The letters float under the surface of the ocean and when a letter is tapped on by the kid, the letter strokes guides appear.
7. Jack and the Beanstalk Interactive Storybook
This turns the popular story into an app that has astonishing graphics. Every page of the story contains different things to interact with and tap on. Tapping on the characters gives you extra dialogue and some pages have hidden games.
8. GeoWalk- 3D World Factbook
This app offers a trip globally where your kid can learn about different historical figures, landmarks and animals. As the kid spins the globe on the devices’ screen, dots appear, scattered about in various locations. The dots will represent people, places, flora or fauna, depending on the class that the child selects.
9. The Moron Test
This sounds bad but it is not. The app asks a series of queries that really gets your kid thinking. Some have obvious answers while others seem to have obvious answers but end up being incorrect. It is fun for the whole family and will give your brain an exercise.
10. The Oregon Trial
The premise of the game is still similar: you have to take a trip of the Oregon Trail and endure the experience. You will need to solve problems and make decisions that will assist you to travel safe. The app entails mini games about fixing your wagon, hunting, picking berries and fishing among others.
This Top 10 iPhone Apps For Children’s Reading is written by John, He is interested e-readers and tablet technology and the benefits it can have on children’s education. He also loves the old days of print and works for a book cover manufacturer to help preserve the old gems.
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