iPad Safari Crashes
Safari as an iOS browser has been working perfectly for the iPhone and the iPod Touch, though for some particular reason, it’s not seeing good days with the iPad. iPad Safari Crashes have been reported and they do not happen rarely, they happen almost regularly which of course, lead to the frustration of the users.

Safari Features
Safari, without the crashes is a really fascinating app. It’s one of the best iOS browsers out there. It is supposed to let you take the world wide web with you everywhere you go at fascinating loading speeds wherever you are, whenever you need it. You can flip your iPad horizontally or vertically, it doesn’t matter. Web content would not get pixelated, and the resolution easily adjusts to your preferences.
Watch the video below if you has ipad safari crashes and frozen problem because of: semitether on ios.
Aside from that, it encourages easy usage with a very user-friendly, and tap-friendly interface. To surf all you want, you can just tap away. Finally, it also allows you to print the web pages that you want without connecting it to your printer. Just send your webpages to your AirPrint-enabled printer, and you can print away without connection cables and cords.
The only problem is, iPad Safari crashes. Users report the crash to happen occasionally but these crashes happen a lot more when the app is burdened with loading picture-heavy pages. The real question is not when the crashes happen and why, but it’s more on how to fix it, because apparently the crashes are here to stay, until the Safari team figures out a fix.
Here are some known and tried fixes and hopefully, one of these would be enough to solve your iPad Safari Crashes problem as well.
Safari Crash Fix: AutoFill
First of all, try turning off the AutoFill. AutoFill makes the work harder for Safari when it comes to dealing with picture-heavy pages, so why not try turning it off? You can do this by going to your Settings, choose Safari, then AutoFill. Turn all of the options off from there.
iPad Safari Crashes Fix: Turn Off Other Windows
The next fix that you could try is turning of all the other open windows and try sticking to just one open window, especially when you don’t really need all those open windows. This just adds up to the performance and effort of the Safari which could also cause it to crash.
iPad Safari Crashes Fix: Resets
If all these fixes do not go well, then why not try resetting your iPad? There are two ways to do this: the soft and hard reset an ipad. To perform a soft reset, you just need to hold down the Sleep/Wake button for a couple of seconds, until the slider appears. Slide to power off. Hold the same button again for the same amount of time to turn your iPad on again. Try your Safari out. If you are still encountering issues, then maybe the hard reset is the solution. To perform this, you have to push to buttons at the same time: the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button. Push them for around ten seconds until the Apple logo appears, disappears, and appears again. It could take a couple of seconds longer than the soft reset but don’t worry. Just wait for it, and once it finishes, try your Safari again.
Safari Crash Fix: Settings Reset
If the resets still don’t solve your safari crashes on ipad problem, here is the final solution. You may want to back-up some files before proceeding because this would indeed erase all your messages, preferences, passwords, and other information. You’re going to reset all your settings. Sometimes, some corrupt data find their way to your system. Performing this reset erases all the corrupt data and may fix issues regarding connectivity.
After the following iPad Safari Crashes fix and solutions, your Safari should be working properly already. If all else fails, then you may want to check other iOS browsers as replacement, so be sure to check out the next post!
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I have discovered the perfect solution to the crashing, freezing etc., get rid of this poorly designed product and get a surface pro!
I am done with iPads. After paying premium prices, getting a replacement, having to wait over 2 weeks for appointment at Genius Bar, I am not going to try to love my ipad anymore. I have a Samsung Galaxy that works just fine.
I have done everything in the article and the comments. Still the browser crashes after loading a heavy page….. Every time…
Off of a sudden, both Safari and Mail do not work. Safari closes immediately when I press to open, Mail shows a blank screen then close in a few seconds. Tried soft reset, hard reset, all reset, it remains the same. By now, Tim Cook should response in a positive way to help the Apple group.
Can we delete Safari and install Atomic browser? If so, how can I do it. I am getting very frustrated for not be able to it.
FIXED!!! Like everyone else on here that is frustrated with their iPad continually crashing, I came here looking for a solution. What Marty suggested by turning of Spotlight Search in Settings, double clicking the home button and closing all the pages I had open (do this every few days actually) and did the hard reset by holding the Home button and Power button for 10 seconds my iPad is just as snappy as it was when brand new. MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT!!! So thanks to all who provided solutions, it’s much appreciated.
I know that most people would simply “up and out” if the above solution works, but when I opened the list of programs I had open, I was finally able to play a game that would not load at all. It makes complete sense to close out the programs if you are not using them, but pressing the “home” button alone does not do the job. When I double pressed the home key, I had every program open since I purchased my iPad last year!!! Just wanted to let you, and all readers know that your solution works, and my iPad seems much, much, more responsive to the touch and is not crashing any longer. thanks!
I am very frustrated. Since the 5.0.1 update, I cannot load anything onto my iPad 1. Here is an example: I was downloading all the seasons of Rescue Me (after I had converted the dvd to MP4 format). I was able to get up to Season 4, then I installed 5.0.1 and I cannot get any of Season 5. As I try to download each episode, it kind of looks like it might be working and then everything stops, the Apple logo appears and the episode appears on my iPad in “faint” letters. It really is NOT there and cannot be accessed. This has happened with any other shows I have tried to download since 5.0.1. Any hopes of a “fix” to this?
Had the same problem since installing the update and it renders the iPad a frustrating and expensive waste of time.
I also hate the new tabs system and much preferred the previous version with screen grabs for each page on safari as opposed to the traditional mac/PC browser-style appearance.
Style over substance with Apple these days.
The problem with Safari crashes is due to memory issues. Try going into Settings and turning off Spotlight helper applications. Then do a soft reset You will still be able to use Spotlight inside of apps. This saves a lot of memory. Pages that crashed in Safari are usually content heavy with embedded videos. Tuning down Spotlight Search frees enough memory up so that Safari can load without crashing more reliably. Examples of pages that always crashed before the fix were techcrunch.com, techradar.com, and southwestairlines.com.
Another memory saver is to turn off auto correct. While that may sound harsh at first, when it is off, it will instead bring up a choice of words to choose from rather than guess at what you meant and automatically stick it in (only to embarrass you later). I prefer that functionality over auto correct.
Why is it OK to have to turn off something that is supposed to work, in order to get the product to perform as advertised…..what a piece of junk!
I’ve just upgrade my ipad to 5.0.1. my ipad keeps crashing after that. I try to reset and sadly to say that only Apple trademark appear. Locked screen will never show.
I completely agree with Rob. It’s not unfriendly, it’s hard fact. The nine pages exists for a reason, the functionality exists for a reason. To not use a helpful and vital feature simply to avoid it not working as it should is idiotic.
Wow Rob! Instead of you searching for solutions on the Internet to fix your crash problems, why don’t YOU contact Apple yourself and demand a fix. Your rude and and in no way deserving of free help.
Thanks for nothing! So you mean I need to reduce the functionality of the app just to get it to work. That’s garbage. Perhaps Apple should spend more time in beta testing rather than rolling out buggy software. It’s a shame that honks like yourself would rather focus on stripping down an apps feature just so it’ll work rather than demanding that Apple provide functional products out of the gate. I used to think the iPad was one of the greatest things ever. Since the ios5 update, my iPad is a constantly crashing piece of garbage. Would be nice to see people holding Apple to the fire but I guess it’s easier to suggest hat people just be satisfied with stripped down functionality and intermittent operation.
Hello Rob,
no need to get bad to the creator of this post. For sure you are right that Apple should find a way to fix that. Thats absolutely right. But for the meantime this article is for helping ppl waiting for an update from apple. So they can continue using the App. It’s a very unfriendly way you come here to a Person who only wants to help!
Have a great day anyways…
And Thanks to the creator of this post. My Boss has the same problems with Mail & Safari, we already exchanged the iPad but same problem still there. I will meet AppleCare this Friday to have a look what else we can do and i will suggest an update of Safari and mail too.
Thank you for this website. I tried the soft reset for my safari crash. It worked like a charm. I will try only using one web page at a time to hopefully advoid future crashes. I hope this will work. Had my Ipad for 4 months and this is the 1st problem.