Impossible Test iPhone Answers. Want to take the impossible iPhone test? Well, if you do and you don’t know how to get it on your phone, first download it here. Then, if you really want to impress your friends with just how much you know, enter these answers for the impossible iPhone test.
1. You really just touch the red light.
2. Tap the enemy until his health runs out.
3. Tap all 5 of the ninja stars.
4. Tap the blue rectangle labeled “N”
5. The top right cloud is largest.
6. Don’t touch anything, then the level will change.
7. Tap the balloons from right to left.
8. Drag the bubble into the box on the right.
9. Tap the money in the order it says…top right, bottom right, top left, bottom left.
10. Tap the bottom left fish, it has an eyebrow.
11. Tap the blue square (bottom right).
12. Drag the earth and the moon into the center black hole.
13. Tap the words, not the dots in the order listed.
14. Drag the saw up and down til the level is done.
15. Tap the blue square on the right, when rotated, squares look like diamonds.
16. Drag the penguin to the side, the egg is behind it.
17. Drag the exclamation point at the top to the end of the sentence in the middle to punctuate it.
18. Flip your phone over so the words are right side up.
19. (you can turn your phone back over) Take this slowly, the colors change positions after you touch yellow, but follow the directions.
20. Tap all the red ninja stars (it says the NOT non-red stars)
21. Shake the phone til water drops out of the cloud.
22. Just tap the targets, be careful, they obviously move.
23. Don’t do anything, just wait.
24. Tap them in this order: far left, far right, lower middle right, lower middle left, top.
25. QUICKLY touch the red box with the “S”.
26. Drag the chips to the spots that match their labels.
27. Touch the colored circles in the directed order: green, orange, red, blue. The directions disappear.
28. The bottom right fish is different, its top bubble has a different light reflection point.
29. Shake the phone until the penguin falls through.
30. Tap the enemy quickly until it dies.
31. Tap 25 twice, 5 once.
32. Tap 10 twice.
33. Top right set of eyes.
34. Tap the moving targets in order from 5 to 1.
35. Tap the 5th ring from the top on the left side.
36. 11
37. Red, blue, yellow.
38. Tap all four candles at the same time.
39. Drag the words “the electric coil” out of the way and tap “continue”
40. Tap the green light.
41. Tap the words “to continue”
42. Drag the white bulb out of the box. Drag the bottom yellow bulb in.
43. Tap the red “X”
44. Drag the UFO so the beam is above the second person from the right and click “beam”
45. Drag the bottom key to the lock.
46. Touch the heart symbol, the word “clubs”, the word “diamonds”, then the spade symbol.
47. Click “talk”
48. The light switch is on the right edge a little below halfway between top and bottom.
49. Shake the phone hard and fast.
50. The ice cube.
51. The weird shaped thing on the far left.
52. Press the button, says don’t NOT touch it
53. Put your phone right side up (so the positive anode on the battery is down)
54. The code is 220
55. Follow the instructions, move the green one, move the purple one, move the text, press continue.
56. Touch the top knob on the TV
57. Rapidly tap the weight until it is almost at the top, quickly touch the continue button that was behind it.
58. Type “bananas”
59. Do a complete rotation of your phone.
Well, Have fun with this cool Impossible Test iPhone Answers App :).
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Where are the rest of the answers? I just need the last one.