There have been a lot of reports coming from users of the iPhone over the last few months regarding their poor battery life. It is thought that the main reason for this is due to a bug in the iOS5 operating system which is causing the GPS system to be triggered more often than it should, therefore using up all of the iphone battery life. However, there are a number of things that you can do to save your battery life on your iPhone and we have mentioned a few already. However, here are a few more.
One of the things that you can do is to actually disable a part of Siri if you have an iPhone 4S. Of course, this is something that a lot of people will buy the iPhone for now but if you disable the ‘Raise to Speak’ feature. This Siri feature basically uses the iPhones light sensor to allow you to activate Siri but this has been found to be a battery drain. Until Apple comes up with a solution for this, it is best to disable this feature.
Another thing that you can do is to disable location based reminders. Having these on will decrease your battery life much faster as your iPhone will constantly be checking your location. This is a simple fix and will allow you to save a whole lot of iphone battery life.
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