Those who love addictive games, playing with funny faces, and fiddling around in apps will love the Celebrity Mashup app for the iPhone. This app has been around for some time but has made news recently with their update. Now not only can you play with celebrities faces, but you’ll get some of the biggest names in the biz too – Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Robert Pattinson, and Justin Bieber are just a few of the faces that you’ll get for free to mashup, mix up and mess up.
Open up the app and it will ask you whether you want to get a pic from Facebook or use one from the Saved Pics on your iPhone. Choose the pic you want to use from your friends, family,or yourself, and next you’ll be asked to pic a celebrity. Choose from lots of great names and once you’ve chosen one, there are still choices to make. You’ll need to pic from a selection of photos that you want to insert your own picture into. So if you chose “Taylor Swift” as your celebrity, you’ll then be given a gallery of Taylor Swift photos. In these pictures, there will be a blank area for you to insert your own picture into.
Once you’ve uploaded your pic into the celebrity pic, all you have to do is edit it. Tap, slide, and move it around until the picture is to your liking. See what kind of funny, freaky, and funky creations you end up with! And once you’ve gotten a picture just right, you can post it to Facebook, save it, or email it. This app is truly a ton of fun and is a great way to kill some time when you need to. One thing that didn’t change with the update was the price – it’s still free, and you can download it here.
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